Monday, September 26, 2011

What about Bananas? first I was wondering about lightening but for a number of reasons I am now thinking about bananas.  Why bananas you might ask?  Well, my son loves bananas!  By "loves bananas" I mean I have to monitor how many bananas he eats.  He is actually very fond of many fruits but due to convenience and price we always have bananas in our home.  I have noticed that when you leave bananas in their "bunch" they ripen much faster than if you separate them.  Why is this?  I have no idea and honestly I am  not sure if anyone else has noticed this.   So in the next few weeks I plan on experimenting with my bananas and doing a little research into why this happens  Stay tuned...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

"Pendulum Motion: The Value of Idealization in Science"

What an interesting article!  I did not know that the pendulum was so controversial in the past.  The point of this article is the value of idealization in science.  Ideas for findings may not always be concrete or full-proof 100% of the time, (depending on the margin of error) but ideas are vital for moving forward.  Galieo's findings about the pendulum helped solve the major time keeping problem, though after his death.  The pendulum clock enabled Western Science to move forward rapidly and also helped solve the longitude problem. The progression of Galileo's ideas solved major conflicts/issues for the world in science, exploration, trade, and conquest.  That's what I got out of this....what do you think?

Pendulum Motion:  The Value of Idealization in Science

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Home Flashlight Experiment

I went outside last night armed with a flashlight very similar to the one we used in class, and with my husbands "Stanley" 1M Series Spotlight that he uses when he is night fishing.  It was dark out but I do live in a subdivision so it was not total darkness like I had imagined in my dark room.  What happened was not what I expected.  I saw no "beam" with either flashlight.  (At least what I had envisioned as a beam.)  What I saw was very similar to what I experienced in the class experiment.  In class when I looked into the box, on the opposite wall, I saw a circular reflection on the opposite wall.  (reminded me of a bulls-eye, like in a dart game)  Outside I saw that same reflection off of the darkness.  There was no beam going straight out from either source, but wide light. At the end of the light was that "bulls-eye" reflection.  I was very surprised to not see the "beam" with the big flashlight/spotlight.  I am beginning to think I have this all wrong in my thinking.  I think my original thoughts have been from thinking about headlights not flashlights.  I am not sure, but I am sure I have seen this "beam" idea in action.  I am still thinking about this and may post more later.  (Maybe I need to have someone else hold the light.)

Friday, September 2, 2011

"The Virtues of Not Knowing"

Until college I really don't ever remember a teacher promoting this kind of learning.  In my elementary education my teachers did not make us find the answer.  If we did not know they would give us the answer to memorize.  My most prominent memory of a teacher focusing on this type of learning was Biology 3000.  It honestly drove me nuts that Dr. Saddler would  never give us the answer!  This is what I was use to and therefore comfortable with.  I will say in the end I learned so much from that class.  Going through the steps/processes made me think for myself and really take ownership in my learning process.
I believe that there is virtue in not knowing.  Not knowing encourages thinking and investigation.  Students will be more active and less bored with their education if we as teachers promote this kind of environment.